From: Alageon  (Original Message)

Sent: 02/10/2003 21:17


For the general information of this group I would like to tell of the most successful Indian guru ever, who claims to be all Gods rolled into one and who has attracted a (so far relatively very small) number of Muslims. He claims to embrace Islam and all other religions too, but he allows his follower to malign Muslims in a most heinous way without saying a word against this. (See the attached file if you wish to see the evidence). I do not wish to stir up undue trouble, but feel a duty to combat this false deity by forewarning everyone who may come within the scope of his very considerable psychic and other powers (I have 20 years of experience of them, but eventually learned many secret damning inside facts about him from a person very close to him).

He does 'miracles' daily and is worshipped as God Incarnate by millions (how many no one can tell, some claim 60 or 70 million), including most Indian politicians, judges and power brokers (four Prime Ministers including the present one, Vajpayee, and the previous four Presidents of India! This is just for a start). He uses much of his money for schools, colleges, hospitals etc. and is 100% free of all taxes and import duties. His financial power is enormous (estimates around $40 billion are not unlikely) and he has shown himself to be totally beyond the reach of the law in India (murders in his bedroom were quashed by government and also High Court please about his paedophile activities, which were effectively kept secret until about 1999, as many facts about him have successfully been well hidden).

Please warn all those who come into contact with the Sai movement (which is a very large and organised cult in over 190 countries to date). Thank you.