Ricardo, who wears
an orange robe, has taken the name of Ananda Baba and he seems to be
manifesting vibhuti, necklaces and even lingams. The attraction has been
sufficiently strong to merit a visit from Leonardo Gutter, Chairman of
Zone 2, Latin America, of the Sai Organization and the well known Mr.
Jagadeesan, member of the Central Council of the Sathya Sai International
Organization. Consequently a bulletin was sent to all members of the Sai
Organization in Argentina. Mr. Gutter’s
letter presents an ample view of the situation and now the question arises
as to who is this new Baba who will eventually have to face the one that
is about to become public in Venezuela. With several Babas and a Maytreya around, the world is obviously about to enter an unprecedented era of salvation. |
Even though most devotees would most likely dismiss the idea of Sr. Ricardo being anything like Sai Baba, the Sai Organization in Argentina did not feel too sure about that. What follows is a lengthy and wordy letter by the Chairmanof Zone 2 Latin America which indicates that the Organization had felt threatened by the popularity of Sr. Ricardo to the point of asking officers to resign if they in any way became involved with him.
To be distributed to all of the Sai Organization in Argentina:
Dear brothers and sisters in Sai:
I would like to make something clear in regard to the different versions and interpretations that came up following a meeting that we had together with brother Jagadeesan with Sr. Ricardo, also known as Ananda Baba. I’d like to begin by reiterating Bhagavan’s reply to the consultation of the president of the Sai International Organization which was done on my behalf. Bhagavan said to Sri Indulal Shah: “There are many out there” and later Sri Indulal Shah told me that this would be a test for the true Sai devotees, a sieve, and only the true devotees would remain.
As I publicly communicated at the time of the talk by our brother Jagadeesan at the Sai Center in Uriarte, Jegadeesan was, as well as myself were to meet with Sr. Ricardo, from Catamarca, also known as Ananda Baba. We accepted the invitation as members of the Sai Organization, I, in my position as Chairman of Zone2 and brother Jagadeesan, as member of the Central Council of the Sai International Organization.
Brother Jagadeesan, as he expresses in the email I attach, has written 10 books and one of them is called the “4th Dimension”, where he studies psychic phenomena. For this reason he interviewed people all over the world, from witch doctors in Africa to psychics in Asia, etc. And this was a motive of special interest to him, as for me, it is obvious that I would consider it important to clarify directly with Sr. Ricardo certain versions that were spread as to him being the manifestation of Sathya Sai Baba in Argentina.
As to
my question on this subject, Sr. Ricardo stated that he was not the
manifestation of Bhagavan in Argentina. I was also able to ask him some direct
questions to clarify the confusing situation that was generated by his presence
in Argentina as well as in the Sai Organization. I personally cannot evaluate
his level of evolution or whether he is a realized being or not. I cannot
formulate any kind of commentary as to why he decided to dress as Bhagavan.
Following and applying Bhagavan’s teachings, we individually and collective as the Sai organization will not formulate any criticism regarding Ricardo whenever possible to anyone. We will see only the good and the good intentions of everyone.
As to the rumors that reached me after my visit to Sr. Ricardo stating that I was promoting him and inviting Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba devotees to visit Sr. Ricardo, I must clarify that it is not so, much to the contrary, I always spread the message of Bhagavan about the importance of drilling in one well until water is found and how it is not convenient to go on to visit every teacher that comes around. This attitude would only bring about a decrease in Faith in such people and it will increase the confusion about the road to travel.
I recommend Bhagavan’s devotees to drink of the Infinite spring of Wisdom that the Avatar brings to us. I can assure you that His Divine teachings will quench the thirst of the thirstiest aspirant.
Each one has to dive into his/her own heart and find there the answers as to the road that he/she should follow, this is an absolutely personal decision of each devotee, it is a decision between the devotee’s heart and his spiritual Teacher.
I was also told by telephone that Sr. Ricardo or his followers said that there was no need to go to India anymore since Ricardo was here, I could not share this belief in the event it were true, because when the Poorna Avatar incarnates, the possibility of being in His Divine presence is something that cannot be dismissed by devotees should they have the possibility of traveling to India, even though the true contact with Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba must take place in the heart of each devotee, that contact and that relationship from heart to heart is beyond time and space and it establishes an unbreakable tie between the Guru and his disciple.
Bhagavan has reiterated on many occasions the need of people who accept a position as officers of the Sai Organization to have complete Faith in His Divinity it is an unavoidable prerequisite in order to fulfill the role as messengers of the Avatar and channels of His Message of love.
That is the reason why we ask members who are in office to reflect upon their relationship with Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and what Bhagavan means to them. If any officer has any doubts or has decided to promote the activities of Sr. Ricardo or his visit to the places where the Sai centers operate, then he/she is showing that his/her faith in Bhagavan is not unshakeable and that he/she still needs needs other springs to quench his/her spiritual thirst.
The fact that they hold an official title in the Sai organization means having accepted a responsibility of leadership and this cannot be effectively accomplished when one has “one foot on one boat and the other foot on another boat” this would only cause confusion among the members of the Sai organization and such officer would not be fulfilling their responsibility to its maximum as leaders.
Because of all of the above, as Chairman of Latin America and in accordance with the Central Council of Argentina, I ask the officers of the Sai organization who consider Sr. Ricardo their teacher and work for him, or find it necessary to promote Ricardo, to reflect upon this delicate situation and choose what they prefer to do, to serve in the Sai organization or in the Ricardo movement. In case that you decide to work promoting the activities of Ricardo, we would then ask you to resign to your responsibilities in the Sai organization and allow other devotees to carry on with these functions.
want to make it clear that all devotees are free to follow whomever they desire,
but if you accept a responsibility en the Sai organization then your commitment
with Bhagavan must be complete, it is a prerequisite set by Bhagavan himself.
It also must be made clear that the Sai Centers must not allow that activities related to Sr. Ricardo or any other Teacher or Spiritual leader be promoted within their quarters.
I haven’t the slightest doubt due to my personal experiences during the last 20 years and because of the dictates of my heart, that Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the Poorna Avatar of this Era and also my Teacher and my Guide. My devotion is totally centered upon Him and I surrender completely to His Divine Lotus Feet.
It is my feeling and my knowledge that the Prona Avatar manifests itself in one body at the time and not in different bodies to accomplish His Divine Misisn. It is also certain that we are all Avatars to the extent that we are all manifestations of the same Divine Principle and we all have a role to play in the Divine Plan.
Let us all perform our role in the Sai organization and we will be performing the highest destiny for our lives, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba said that the service within the Sai organization is the highest service that a human being could perform. He added that we should not miss the opportunity to serve in the Sai organization or fall away from it, that those who did were very unfortunate.
We have worked very hard to gain this Divine opportunity, let us not allow it to escape from our hands.
I ask all members of the Sai organization to not get involved in any criticism of Sr.Ricardo, much to the contrary we must see him through the eyes of love, as we must see all beings through the eyes of love, only in this manner would we be practicing the teachings of Bhagavan.
This situation that was generated in Argentina should be considered as a test and an opportunity that Sai gives us to see how we react and to see if we have absorbed His message in our lives in word, thought and action. Let us be impeccable as our Teacher and Guide, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, is impeccable
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s Divine Mission of restoring spirituality on Earth will be accomplished inexorably, may we all each day be better instruments in the Divine mission and better channels for the Love of God.
Zona 2 - Latinoamérica
17 julio 2001