Letter sent to Michael Goldstein, John Evans and Indulal Shah


November, 2000


 Dear Sir:


 I do not know if you are aware of the volumes of research that have been one about many people that have clinically died and have gone through death experiences.  The common theme is going through a tunnel into the Light, meeting some Divine representative or a loved one who passed on, and then the "LIFE REVIEW".  One in the life review must face all the important things they did in their just passed life.  Important not in position, power, ego, or material wealth; but important to their karmic relationship with others and the meeting or failure of goals and responsibilities they came here to fulfill.  It would appear from those who have gone through this earthshaking experience that it is a self judgment that haunts them for the rest of their life when they come back to their body.  It is seeing how you treated others and how you handle responsibilities, not from your point of view but from the one you hurt or helped.  In one case, for instance, a military sniper saw how he damned his victim to endless after death torture of not knowing what had happened to him and pining for family and friends.  He saw how he affected the mans family that he had killed and how they had to face starvation and poverty due to the loss of the man. He felt within him, if it was his own, the agony of loss from the wife and children.  He saw how he interrupted the family tree and interfered with planned future children that now would not be born.  In every case after the life review the witness is horrified to realize how much damage they have done, or encouraged and amazed at the difference they made in peoples lives.


They would do anything to change things that they wished now they had not done, but in most cases it is too late.  It would appear that the worst judgment upon one is becoming enemies of mankind by deliberately or consciously harming others either directly or through compliance and cooperation.  It is a burden that is so galling that it is almost impossible to bear.


 I would beg you to think of yourself going through the Life Review and consider your soul and where you stand.  No matter what your excuse, you will have to face the torture that you have caused little children

 Because of your actions as officers of the Sai Baba Organization.  I was a devout member of Sai for 28 years with many inner and outer experiences.  But  when I found out the truth of what was going on behind the scenes, I then thought of the Life Review before God and knew I could never face being part of hurting and killing little innocent children.  When I stood before God at death there would be no excuse, I would be guilty of crimes against humanity I could not bear. You have time before you die to start to pay back what you have caused in pain and suffering in humanity, if you start right now.  You know what you must do in the depths of your soul and conscience.  We are responsible for our actions.  We are responsible for what we do that affects others.  We are especially responsible for what we do in important and responsible positions of power and authority over others. Not in anger or hate, but in love for your soul that comes from God, I  ask you to think twice.  Also consider this my resignation letter from Sai Baba and his fallen plan.  I am always open to communication.


 In Gods Mercy Divine,

 Dave Brandt




I was a very strong devotee for many years. I went to a Sai retreat that was a long ways from my home. In this retreat the president of the Northeast region for the Sai organization (Shirley Pike) in USA stood up and asked all the officers to meet with her in an hour. I got a strong intuitional urge to meet with her, even though I was not an officer or held any funciton within the organization. I blocked the door as she arrived and introduced myself. Instead of rebuffing me as I expected, she was amazed to find a devotee in the remote Western US where I was from and insisted I stay for the officers meeting. Then she insisted I become an officer. Six months later at the next retreat she was missing and no one apparently knew why. When I arrived back home a letter to all officers was awaiting me from the president. It was a resignation letter. She was resigning because close personal friends and devotees had found out about the sexual rape and abuses of Sai Baba. She interviewed the persons, and even victims over the phone. As a trained school psychologist she believed their stories. She, as I, went on to investigate many other allegations. On the basis of these credible accusations and witnesses I also resigned from the organization. Both the former president and myself are in the counseling field and are "mandatory reporters" who must report any credible reports of child abuse wether of a sexual or violent nature. If it was not for my following my intuional urge I would not have met Shirley Pike and become an officer of the Sai organization. Consequently I would not have found out about the truth of Sai Baba. Shirley sent out those letters only to officers of the Sai organization.



My decision is based on credible witnesses who I know through first hand sources. I also traveled to India in 1998 with an officer of the board of the main headquarters of Sai Baba for USA in Tustin, California, USA, along with his girlfriend. His name is Michael Artle. He told me that when he was quite young and first visited Sai Baba at his ashram that he was "oiled" by Sai in a personal interview. He told me not to tell only his present girlfriend, Debbie. This was told to me at Sai's ashram in India. I had never heard of such a thing at the time and it shocked me. He said that he was invited for a group interview with Sai. Then he was taken behind the red curtain into the private interview room with Sai alone. Michael asked Sai about vegetarianism and other things. Then he asked Sai if he should marry the woman he was with then, and Sai told him not to marry her and to leave her. This dissapointed Michael greatly, but he later obeyed this order. Then Michael asked Sai if it was ok for him to be having sexual relations with this girlfriend. Sai then told Michael to drop his pants. Michael did as he was told. Sai materialized some oil and masaged his genitals with his hand as he said "I bless". Michael interpreted this as a sign that Sai blessed his sexual relations with the girlfriend he just told him to leave. Strange logic! Then Sai turned and helplessy looked for somewhere to wipe his hand and ended up wiping it on the silk curtains at the window. Michael thought this very funny. Then Sai turned around and saw Michael still standing there with his pants down and told him to pull up his pants. Then Sai said that he could tell Michael truly loved him. He was then dismissed. I did not gather that Michael was ever asked permission to have his genitals massaged by Sai Baba. He was ordered by Sai to drop his pants, not asked. And to Michael, a devoted follower, this was an order from God himself that he did not question. But when Michael told me this I could tell he was wondering what my reaction was to this. I decided to not react at all, since I needed to time to figure out a good reason for this conduct from Sai. None of the reasons I have ever heard make any sense then or now. I am a long-standing student of the mysteries, and of the hoary past of India. I know of no former guru or Avatar of ever oiling a devotees genitals to raise their Kundalini or help them overcome sexual problems. In fact it is just the opposite. In ancient traditions the way of Kundalini raising is through strict celibacy and vegatariansim. No thoughts of a sensual nature is encouraged or allowed if one is to be successful. One is to overcome the complete animal nature of the person. The Kundalini energy will not rise to the head if it is lost through the sexual organs or is kept down there through sexual thoughts or actions. This is simple fact and perfectly logical. So how could masaging the male genitals, which is the way of masterbation and sexual male arousal, help the raising of Kundalini or help one overcome sexual desires? Is this not just the opposite? This would be, in the opinion of all the experts of Kundalini raising throughout history, Kundalini lowering and encouragement of the lowest forms of sexual gratification and arousal. I think it is pure and simple homosexual predatory activity. And why does Sai never do this for females? Do females completely lack sexual problems that need to be "healed" by Sai? Consdidering he has never done this for a female, I think we can safely say Sai is not God, but a fraud homosexual god that is using his position to rape and molest young male youth. It is homosexual predatory activity, but that is not all it is. It is well known by witnesses that Sai has performed every imaginable sexual act and position with these victims possible. This includes anal and oral sex on both parties. The famous author Tal Brooks was told by a willing victim that Sai materialized the female vagina in himself for the boy to penetrate, then just before ejaculation he removed the penis and collected the sperm on a hankerchief. This is the unmistakeable conduct of black magic and vampirism. The most prized possession of a black magician is the sperm or blood from a young male just come into puberty. After sex the child is often ritually killed and eaten. Anyone familiar with the black arts knows this is true. This is how the "Black Mass" is performed. So by his conduct I would say that Sai is not just a homosexual predator, but a powerful vampire god that is highly dangerous. Anyone who has sex with Sai is likely to be a victim of vampirism for the rest of their life, and probably lose their soul. Anyone worshiping Sai, as I did, is a vitim of demonic powerful evil.