THE SECRET SWAMI Increasing numbers of former followers are alleging that 'Bhagavan' Sri Satya Sai Baba, India most influential god-guru is accused by a large number of young men of sexually abusing them BBC's 'This World' investigated. | |
U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT WARNING ON SATHYA SAI BABA The US State Department's travel advisory warned about a guru in Andhra Pradesh - which US officials confirmed related primarily to Sathya Sai Baba. This warning has never been revoked, though in 2007 it was dropped from the official document. | |
UK PAPER 'SUNDAY PEOPLE': "PAEDOPHILE GURU IN BID TO SNARE CHARLES" On MI6 investigations on Sathya Sai Baba and attempts to enable the Prince of Wales to visit him etc. | |
'DIVINE DOWNFALL' OF SAI BABA by Mick Brown, author and journalist for the Daily Telegraph | |
CNN (INDIA) REPORT ON SAI BABA - Exposé of Sathya Sai Baba major Indian TV programme - interviews with by critics. |
'SEDUCED' BY SAI BABA - 1-hour DR (Danish Broadcasting) documentary exposing Sathya Sai Baba. |
THE GUARDIAN UK - the paedophilia claims and the Duke of Edinburgh awards | |
BRITISH NEWSPAPER REVIEWS OF BBC DOCU. 'THE SECRET SWAMI' The Observer, The Guardian, The Times, The Independent, The Financial Times, The Daily Mirror, Time Out etc.. | |
THE HINDUSTAN TIMES - VIR SANGHVI In which the sexual allegations against Sathya Sai Baba are found to have substance |
'THE WEEK' [INDIAN MAGAZINE] COVERAGE OF THE 1993 MURDERS A detailed examination of the facts as they emerged not long after the event | |
ARGENTINA EXPOSURE OF SATHYA SAI BABA - part two by Alejandro Agnostelli |
Robert Priddy Robert Priddy, a retired University teacher of Sociology and philosophy is known as a serious writer about Sathya Sai Baba and also for his diligent participation over many years as a high office-bearer within the Organisation |
Barry Pittard Former teacher at Sathya Sai Baba's College in Whitefield, Bangalore and long term follower of Sai Baba |
Two major documentations by Priddy are his study of the history and testimonies of sexual abuse reported by Sathya Sai Baba here and his analysis of the infamous executions in Sathya Sai Baba's bedroom here. Two major essays and a series by
Robert Priddy based on his long
friendship with V. K. Narasinham, who was a very close devotee of Sai Baba and for many years as the Editor of Sanathana Sarathi are here:- |
MY ASHRAM STORY How Barry Pittard was maltreated at the Sai ashram in an unfair manner widely reported by other former devotees. |
Brian Steel Brian Steel is the author of "The Sathya Sai Baba Compendium. The First 70 years" and "Sai Powers" |
Asa Samsioe
Former follower who visited Sathya Sai ashrams several times - a practicing psychologist and therapist |
"SATHYA SAI BABA: GOD OR GURU" A study that assembles and presents a body of circumstantial evidence which raises questions about the validity of Sai Baba's claims to Divinity. Chapter 3 of "Sathya Sai Baba, God or Guru", Steel presented some strong circumstantial evidence which suggests that there is a very significant difference between the language of Sai Baba's frequent public Discourses (which are usually delivered in his native Telugu language) and the subsequently translated, edited, and printed form of those Discourses. By default, it is this edited form, the only one which is officially circulated by the Sai Baba Organization, which is accepted by the majority of Sai Baba's overseas devotees as the authentic version of Baba's public teachings, and, indeed, as the true expression of his OWN WORDS and personality. But available evidence suggests that such a belief may need to be re-assessed. CLICK here for description and link to article "Fresh Light on Sai Baba's Discourses" Don't miss the new Addition: "SB's Discourses. More Nonsense" on this web site or directly on the author's home site |
Experiences from Åsa Samsioe from Sweden. from the viewpoint of a woman and a psychologist.
How stupid can it be? There has recently been another one of those discourses of SB blunting and dulling the intellect of his poor devotees. |
Miguel Perlado, Ph.D., Psychologist. Psychotherapist, Psychoanalyst has specialized in cult-related problems, helping families, current members and ex members of cults and other abusive relationships.Dr. Perlado worked for eleven years at the cult clinic of Attention and Research on Social Addictions in Barcelona and is the current director of aiiap, Asociación Iberoamericana para la Investigación del Abuso Psicológico. Dr. Perlado has published a number of professional articles on the subject and has organized numerous seminars for mental health professionals in Spain. As Psychotherapist he is an associated member of the Spanish Federation of Psychotherapy Associations, FEAP) As Psychoanalyst (Barcelona Institute of Psychoanalysis, IPB/SEP) he is a Member of the Board of Directors of iPsi Psychoanalytic Training Center. |